David : What do you remember about your last day at LHHS?

Nanci : I don’t remember the last day

David : What did you do in the summer of ’65?

Nanci : Went to UT. It was the best summer I had ever had, to that point, in my whole life. I had a REAL good time.

David : What did you do the next school year?

Nanci : The first semester I had to go to Mary Hardin Baylor until I got all A’s – punishment from my father because I had a REAL good time at UT in the summer of 65. Then I went to SWT the rest of the time, although I went back to UT for all kinds of civil disobedience marches.

David : Were any other Wildcats with you?

Nanci : No

David : Did you ever get married? More than once?

Nanci : Yes. I had 2 children and we got divorced in 7 years, although he continues to be one of my best friends. There was a brief second marriage – temporary insanity-14 years younger-to make everyone mad. I don’t count it, therefore it did not exist.

David : Children?

Nanci : Two wonderful children. My daughter, Ami Elizabeth Lunsford, was born in 1973 and graduated from UT in 1996. She was a Social Worker with the Arc of Austin and with Crime Victim Services with the Austin Police Department. She was murdered later that year. My son, Walker Rew Lunsford, was born in 1975 and graduated from Baylor University in 1999. He is in commercial real estate in Dallas. I thank God daily and am amazed daily that I was blessed with two such wonderful children. I could not be more proud of each of them.

David : What did you do for the second ten years?

Nanci : After my divorce, I had a daycare in my home so I could stay home with the kids and still be homeroom mom, etc. After they were grown, I went to work at a credit union as a part-time file clerk and after years retired as a senior loan officer.

David : Where do you live? (city and state)

Nanci : Smithville, TX

David : What do you do now?

Nanci : Read, work in the yard, watch TV

David : Do you stay in contact with any LH classmates?

Nanci : Yes

David : If you could change anything about your high school experience, what would it be?

Nanci : Oh, the list would be too long

          David : As you approach retirement age . . . are you ready?

Nanci : Already retired. I was SO ready. Except for being a "hands on" mom, this is my favorite job so far.

David : In your opinion, what is that "certain something" that has kept so many of our class so connected for so long?

Nanci : Many of us came from strange parents (not necessarily "bad" strange, but not Howard and Marion either) and found more nurturing from each other and many of us have shared tragedies and found more comfort from each other.

David : If David Wise would share his "Wayback Machine" and take you to 1962, would you go?

Nanci : No

David : Anything you want to ramble about . . .

Nanci : Some people I think are cool (even though I may or may not agree with everything they say or do) – (and this would not include the people I think are cool from our class, of course!):

Bono from U2

          Condaleeza Rice

          Paul McCartney

         J. Kie Bowman


Some stuff I think:

I feel sorry for them and all, but I think we’ve given enough money to Katrina victims in New Orleans. There’s lots of victims other places.

I think child molesters should never get out of jail. It has been proven they cannot be cured and will re-offend. Many times it will go to murder to cover their crimes.

I think marijuana should be decriminalized. It would make more room in jails for people like child molesters.

I think prisons should be self sufficient – farms, dairies, orchards, etc. Anyone who didn’t want to work would be in solitary and eat the rations our soldiers are eating. It would require more guards, walls, etc. The extra food produced would be used in place of food stamps and given for welfare and that money could be used for increased costs. Working as hard as our grandparents or great grandparents did on farms would tire people out and there wouldn’t be time for gangs, etc. Why should they live any better than our soldiers do?

I think the millions of dollars paid professional athletes should include role model behavior. I think drugs, violence, etc. should end their career. I know it won’t happen because of the money, but I think it should.

So…….did everybody just buy the Barry Bonds natural extreme growth spurt story and go on? I never exactly understood why that seemed to go away.

I strongly believe in capital punishment, and can find several places in the Bible that I interpret to support it. We can forgive them, but there are still consequences for murdering another human being.

I think I have the two sweetest, smartest dogs in the world. They don’t do any tricks, but they think I’m the sweetest, smartest lady in the world!! And when I say things like "bark if this makes mommy look fat" they don’t". Smart and sweet.

I wonder things like……..who watches "Growing Up Gotti"?, and why did we spend tax dollars searching for Madelyn Murray O’Hare’s bones? Why do people keep talking about peace in the Middle East when there never has been and they don’t want it? And why didn’t I think of Starbucks? And why would anybody pay Angelina Jolie $4 million for a picture of her baby and why would Matt Lauer interview Britany Spears?

And why would David have chosen the person with the most boring life in the class to spotlight first??